The Top Ten Resource Sites for Breastfeeding in the UK

Top Ten Resource Sites for Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural way to nourish and bond with your baby. However, it's not always an easy journey, and many new mothers may require guidance and support along the way. Fortunately, the United Kingdom offers a wealth of online resources to initially help mothers navigate the world of breastfeeding. In this article, we will explore the top ten resource sites for breastfeeding in the UK, providing a comprehensive guide for new mothers seeking valuable information and support.


1) National Childbirth Trust (NCT) -

The NCT is a well-established organization in the UK that offers reliable information and practical advice on breastfeeding. Their website provides a comprehensive guide to breastfeeding, including common challenges, tips for successful breastfeeding, and details on local support groups.


2) La Leche League (LLL) Great Britain -

La Leche League is an international organization dedicated to providing breastfeeding support. Their UK website offers a wealth of information, including articles, videos, and access to local breastfeeding support groups and helplines.


3) NHS -

The National Health Service (NHS) website is a trusted resource for healthcare information in the UK. Their breastfeeding section offers practical advice, troubleshooting tips, and answers to frequently asked questions. It also provides details on how to find local support services.


4) Breastfeeding Network (BfN) -

BfN is a registered charity that aims to support breastfeeding women. Their website offers evidence-based information, resources, and articles on various breastfeeding topics. It also provides access to a helpline where trained volunteers offer personalized support.


5) Start4Life -

Start4Life, an initiative by the NHS, provides a range of resources to help new mothers successfully breastfeed. Their website offers practical tips, videos, and downloadable guides. It also features a "ChatHealth" service where mothers can seek advice from healthcare professionals via text message.


6) The Association of Breastfeeding Mothers (ABM) -

ABM is a voluntary organization that offers support and information on breastfeeding. Their website includes articles, fact sheets, and access to trained breastfeeding counselors who can provide one-on-one guidance.

7) The Breastfeeding Network Drugs in Breastmilk Service -

This specific section of the Breastfeeding Network's website provides evidence-based information on medications and their compatibility with breastfeeding. It offers comprehensive factsheets and a helpline where volunteers provide expert advice regarding breastfeeding and medications.


8) Lactation Consultants of Great Britain (LCGB) -

LCGB is an organization that promotes excellence in lactation care. Their website provides a directory of qualified lactation consultants across the UK. New mothers can search for professionals in their area who can offer personalized support and advice.


9) The Breastfeeding Network (BfN) Drugs in Breastmilk Facebook Group:

While not a website, this Facebook group is an invaluable resource for breastfeeding mothers who have questions about medications and their impact on breastfeeding. The group consists of knowledgeable volunteers who provide evidence-based information and support.


10) KellyMom - (international resource with UK-specific content):

Although based in the United States, KellyMom is a highly reputable resource for breastfeeding information and advice. The website covers a wide range of topics, and its UK-specific section provides guidance tailored to the needs of breastfeeding mothers in the UK.



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