Premature Babies & Pre Term Breast Milk


Having a preterm baby is often a highly stressful and unique time. A lot of the support and care your baby is receiving is very medicalised and necessary, but knowing that mothers can help their babies thrive with their tailor made breastmilk brings incredible peace and comfort to many families.

Pre-term breast milk, also known as human milk for preterm infants (HMPI), is specially designed to meet the unique nutritional needs of premature babies. Compared to mature breast milk, pre-term breast milk has higher levels of certain components to support the growth and development of the baby. Like with Term breast milk preterm milk adapts to its need and surroundings. Many mothers need additional support learning to hand express in the early hours, use a hospital grade pump and occasionally additional medications to help build their milk supply to meet the growing demands of their baby. Preterm milk is recognised as medicine alongside nutrition for preterm vulnerable babies.

 The main components of pre-term breast milk:

Proteins: Pre-term breast milk contains higher amounts of proteins, specifically whey proteins, which are more easily digested by premature babies. Whey proteins, such as lactoferrin and immunoglobulins, provide important immune support and protect against infections.

Fats: Pre-term breast milk has higher levels of fats to provide the necessary energy for rapid growth. Fats are important for brain and eyesight development.

Carbohydrates: The carbohydrate content of pre-term breast milk, primarily in the form of lactose, is similar to that of mature breast milk.

Minerals and Vitamins: Pre-term breast milk contains higher levels of certain minerals and vitamins, including calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamins A, C, and E. These nutrients support bone development, red blood cell production, and overall growth.

Growth Factors: Pre-term breast milk contains higher concentrations of growth factors, these factors promote the development and maturation of various organs and tissues in premature infants.

Immunological Factors: Pre-term breast milk has high quantities of immunoglobins and antibodies – supporting their immune systems and protecting the baby against pathogens, viruses and illness. Preterm milk also contains essential pre biotics that lines and protects the newborns immature gut and microbiome.

Enzymes and Hormones: Breast milk for pre-term infants contains enzymes and hormones that aid digestion and support various physiological processes in premature babies.

In some cases, specialised human milk fortifiers may be added to pre-term breast milk to further enhance its nutritional content and meet the specific needs of specific premature infants.

There are various ways to transition a preterm baby to the breast eventually including non nutritive suck practice, lots of time in skin to skin, supportive breastfeeding holds and plenty of patience and support.


Breast milk components and comparisons with formula milk


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